All posts in "Green News"

2012 London Olympics Sustainability

By myke

2012 London Olympics Sustainability – Is it possible to have an Eco-Friendly Olympic Games? Can you possibly imagine the logistics of managing, The 2012 London Olympics sustainability footprint and all that it entails, I would very much doubt if many of us would have the slightest inkling of the problems involved. [box style=”rounded”]Make sure you […]


Biofuel Navy

By myke

Biofuel Navy for the USA, surely a step in the right direction The USS Nimitz Surely the US should be applauded in making huge strides forward in the fight for renewable energy. Obviously the costs involved are on a massive scale, but we all know that prices rapidly decline as more and more people in […]


Obamacare Bill

By myke

The President’s ‘ObamaCare Bill’ – No.1 major accomplishment in his first three years in office?? The ultimate tightrope walk between the two parties! I’m sure everyone would agree that everbody needs an absolute minimum in the way of ‘healthcare’ in this modern society of ours. Many people worldwide expect America the world’s most wealthy nation […]


Endangered Species

By myke

The U.S.A. has placed Polar Bears on the Endangered Species List America, after weeks of delays have finally got their act together and put Polar Bears on the endangered species list. [box style=”rounded”]Make sure you click here to like > Daily Green Post on Facebook < to be updated every time we find new tips on […]

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