Why Choose Organic Gardening

Why Choose Organic Gardening

Why choose organic gardening is a good question,the main reason I choose organic gardening is because there has to be a time when we begin to re-dress the harm we have done to the environment.

Why Choose Organic Gardening

Why Choose Organic Gardening

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The soil is the essential base to your organic vegetable garden. Organic gardening soil is rich in nutrients without having to add toxic chemicals which cause health problems and taint the natural water supply.

In everyday gardening or non-organic types of gardening, various pesticides are used to control their breeding.

Pests affect the production of fruit and vegetables. Some pest causes serious problems.

Pesticides used to control these organisms can also cause serious problems.

When these chemicals are used on a regular basis to remove pests. The pesticides can cause problems to the human body and also affect soil, air, water, animals and cause pollution to our environment.

Remember: Soil, air and water can become contaminated and get polluted.

Organic gardening is not only useful for our personal health but also can improve the soil by adding back the natural components. You can feed your plants without using chemical compost. Nature has its own way of adding to the soil, such as decaying plants to enhance the soil.

With Organic Gardening fertilizers you will be using the fungi and nutrients already found in the soil naturally. By using Organic fertilizers you will be putting the important nutrients that synthetic fertilizers take out of the landscape, back in the ground.

Organic gardening can be a great way to save some extra money in your budget. Imagine cutting your grocery bill in half or more! With a little planning and preparation, this is easy to achieve.

Organic gardening itself will save you money on fertilizer, but if your plants need a little extra during the growing season you can make your own compost tea.

While there are many different recipes, the general idea is to fill a sock with compost and suspend it in a 5 gallon bucket of water for several hours. The resulting liquid can be watered down if needed and will contain humus, beneficial microorganisms, and nutrients that are immediately available to your plants.

The art of organic gardening is simply growing food in an environmentally and health friendly manner. Because an organic garden is able to produce vegetables and fruit without the use of pesticides and commercial fertilizers so, you are not only providing yourself and your family with healthy foods, you are also helping the air, water, and soil within our environment.

Number 1 Organic Gardening Tip:

You should plan your landscaping by using native grasses, bushes and plants. Plants that are adapted to your region’s climate, will prevent the need for a lot of “special measures” that eat up time and money. Native plants will thrive with organically made compost.

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If you are new to organic gardening or have a consistent battle with pests every year you should consider taking a look at your garden’s layout. Changing the location of some plants and adding others to attract and deter pests is the best way to insure balance year after year. You may also find organic garden sprays to be extremely useful in clearing up problems quickly.

Truly the secret to successful organic gardening is working in harmony with nature. Really educate yourself on organic gardening methods. Check out the magazine section at your local public library and see if they subscribe to Organic Gardening magazine; you’ll learn a lot about organic gardening from studying this periodical as well as any books they may have about organic gardening.

Your Opinion Counts

Main Question: Organic Gardening Soil How To Ensure Soil Fertility For Organic Vegetable Gardening?

Lilian BAsked: Looking for an organic gardening book that you can recommend to learn more about pesticide free gardening.

Best Answer: by Cel Z

In organic gardening, soil quality decides vegetable quality. That’s why you need good quality compost to keep the soil productive for organic vegetable gardening.

If you invest your time in doing organic gardening properly, the results will be obvious. It demonstrates that you want your plants to be healthy and thriving. These are highly admirable qualities. As with any other useful skill, there is always more to learn. There are lot’s of articles on our site to help you.


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