Are you aware that ‘green building’ programs are one of the best answers to global warming… but very few people even give them a thought?
How about you, have you ever given any consideration towards eco-friendly architecture in the sphere of Green Building designs? I expect probably not, like the majority of people but it’s never too late to give it a thought.
Stunning video below, well worth watching… It Really is that good
Giving thought to the environment in the design and construction phase of development can make a massive difference on the constant fight against global warming.
A large percentage of the total carbon dioxide emissions given off in most countries comes from housing; generally over 35%.
So, you can see green building is essential if we want to cut down on the emissions of carbon dioxide which adds greatly to the greenhouse gases, which in turn increases global warming – a vicious spiral!
One of the most obvious ways to make a difference, is to consider how well your house is insulated.
So, how you keep your home heated in winter or cool in summer
is very important as they can both impact on global warming.
Good insulation in your home will the lessen the need for such extreme heating or air conditioning, and will also save you money; sounds good to me!
Green building is crucial for a variety of reasons but the primary reason is that it will reduce your emissions of greenhouse gases.
Therefore, if ‘green building’ will help reduce global warming
maybe it’s time for us all to give it, the consideration it warrants.
What we really need is a sustainable power that isn’t harmful to our environment, but is it possible?
If you read all the debates that rage on in most of the media, you would have to conclude that it’s a hard one to call.
When it comes to big business and governments, there are so many interests to take into account; and of course big business, big money and big profits will always take priority over the likes of you and me.
Our voice is just too small to make any difference, but if we band together, we really could make our voice heard.
I know it’s just a dream, but everything has to start somewhere…
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