Fung Shway

Whatever way you spell it, Fung Shway (is how it’s pronounced), Feng Shui, Fung Shui or Fengshui it all means the same thing and there is an  Eco friendly way to do it.

How you can Feng Shui or fung shway your rooms the Eco Way

Fung Shway - yin - yang

Fung Shway – yin – yang

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The art of feng shui and eco-friendly embellishing are really compatible. Feng shui is planned to open the flow of energy in your home, bringing a sense of peace, consistency, and renewed energy to the people living in the house. Eco-friendly embellishing ties in with this principle, since eco-friendly interior decoration is intended to bring a healthy, clean indoor environment (while giving protection to the earth at the same time). Both concepts are based in nature.

Your bedrooms are often the spaces where many people want to use the concepts of green living and feng shui.

Want to learn more >> Feng Shui Secrets <<

Below, are some ideas for making use of feng shui and eco-friendly strategies in decorating your bed rooms.

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  • De-clutter
    The primary step in redecorating in general and feng shui, is to dispose of unneeded things. The items you opt to keep must be kept in an organized, even ornamental, manner.
  • Wall colors
    Select paints that are eco-friendly and without VOCs (volatile organic substances). Use colors that are peaceful and calming, and stay away from bright, garish colors or extremely dark tones. Some feng shui consultants suggest pink as the best room color. Light blues and light greens are also great fung shway bedroom colors.
  • Lighting
    Soft lighting is suggested in feng shui, with candles being the perfect light source. For the eco-conscious, this is good news – lower light means less energy use. Purchase natural candles that will not emit hazardous elements into the air, and select energy-efficient electric lights that are low voltage.


- Fung Shway -

Fung Shway

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  • Bedding
    Remarkably, plain white sheets are not usually suggested in feng shui. In the Chinese culture from which feng shui comes, white fabric is related to death shrouds. Pink or peach-colored sheets, or white sheets printed with flowers, are considered wondrous and calming colors. Natural cotton or silk are suggested for feng shui and for eco-friendly decorating. Make sure the dyes are vegetable-based and natural. Sheets need to be soft and comfy.
  • Furnishings
    Simple, sustainable and long lasting furniture is recommended for green designing and feng shui. Pick natural wood which is on the eco-friendly list and do not keep anything below the furnishings (like the bed, chests etc.). If you require that area for storage, put items in appealing, efficient boxes. Arrange furniture so that spaces are open and energy can stream easily over and around furniture.
  • Water
    Having water in view is suggested in Fengshui. To keep this option eco-friendly, select an indoor water feature that re-circulates so that it does not lose water. See to it that the fountain or water function is made from natural materials.

Want to learn more >> Feng Shui Secrets <<

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