Dog Biscuit Recipes

How about some dog biscuit recipes and other goodies for man’s best friend?

We have found some good dog biscuit recipes and a few other delights for your furry four legged friend.

Dog biscuit recipes

Dog biscuit recipes – Bulldogs

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Check this out for >> Special Dog Treats <<

The best ways to Make Healthy Recipes for Your Canine Friend

There have actually been some pet dog food safety scares recently. Some pet owners are choosing to make their own pet foods for security reasons. Most other dog lovers are doing this since they believe it’s healthier.

For dog owners whose animals have allergies, homemade food can be a life saver; simply make certain to contact your vet first to make sure your pet dog is getting the proper nourishment.

If you would be interested in making healthy dishes for your pet, below are a few ideas as to how to go about them.

Dog biscuit recipes - shetlie

Dog biscuit recipes – sheltie

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  • Doggy Biscuit treats
    This recipe makes a standard doggie biscuit. You can include various other ingredients or flavorings to match your dog’s tastes.Three and a half cups whole wheat flour

    • Two cups rolled oats
    • One and a half cups beef or chicken stock
    • Half a cup canola oil

    Mix flour and oatmeal in a bowl.
    In a separate bowl, mix the stock and canola oil.
    Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients.
    Mix well and roll the mixture to about half inch thickness.
    Cut into preferred shapes and bake on a cookie sheet at 300 degrees for 50 minutes.
    Turn off the oven and let the biscuits cool and harden inside the oven. After they have actually cooled, take them from the oven and refrigerate, your dog is going to love you even more after one of these biscuits treats.

  • Recipe for pet dogs with allergies
    If your dog has food allergies (and the number of allergic pets is growing), this is a simple dish that your dog will like.
    It’s a healthy dish for non-allergic pet dogs, too.

    • One quart spring water (using spring water ensures there are no tap water chemicals that can intensify your dog’s allergic reactions)
    • Two and a half cups instant oatmeal (unflavored)
    • One cup ground venison or grass-fed beef
    • Two tbsps natural canola oil

    Bring the water to a boil and stir in the oatmeal. Cook according to package instructions, then remove from heat. Stir in the ground meat, working it in well with a spoon. Stir in the canola oil. Cover and allow the mix to cool. Then store in the fridge for up to a week.

    This makes about two quarts of food.

    Variation: Stir in 1 cup of sliced, steamed vegetables with the meat. Broccoli, carrots, celery and cabbage are good options.


Check this out for >> Special Dog Treats <<

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